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Mortgage Protection Lead Orders

IMPORTANT: All orders must have a minimum of 10 States selected to be fulfilled

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What To Expect:

  • High Intent: Each lead sees a 1-2 minute video explaining in depth the benefits of Mortgage Protection Insurance. The lead then is taken to a secondary site with a survey to further qualify & gather info such as Full Name, Email, Phone, State, Mortgage Balance, Why for wanting the Coverage, Age, Tobacco Usage and Employment Status.

  • Text Verified: All leads go through a process that will verify their submission by texting them a 4-digit verification code within 60 seconds to confirm it is the correct number & a valid, working mobile device.

  • High Quality: 100% Exclusive & No Duplicates

  • Ad Includes: Mortgage Protection Insurance

  • Ad Does Not Include: Free Coverage, Government, SSI

  • Resources: You will have immediate access to our top converting scripts PLUS our best Text & Email drip campaigns

  • Delivery: Great leads take time, please be patient as our leads are worth it - Please anticipate approximately 72 hours before fulfillment starts. Your leads will be delivered to your Google Sheet upon being generated for easy access & organization.

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